Wednesday, 27 June 2012

This is the natural home remedy to whiten your teeth!  Yellow teeth are embarrassing and a cause of low self esteem. here is the way to get a ride from yellow teeth. for the first brush your teeth with regular tooth paste and second step is to use a strawberry paste on your teeth for making this paste we need.

How to naturally whiten teeth at home

  1. 2 medium size straw berries
  2. Half tea spoon Baking Soda (if you have really yellow teeth you can add more soda)
Mashed them up and make a pasten ow use your regular tooth brush and dip it into a paste and slightly brush for five minutes and leave it on the teeth for a while, make sure you do it once a week and if you do it for more then one week it can damage your teeth, so be patient now this remedy will take few weeks to start working. It's depend on the color of your teeth.

Now come to the second tip. It's a natural teeth whiting mouth wash, for this you need one glass of water and mix it up with one tea spoon of lemon juice Hope it will help!



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